What is "unlimited streaming"?

For 2,980 yen a month, you can enjoy 2D and VR videos with "linkage functions"
while watching "Takumi Streaming" and "popular genres" for "over 24,000 titles"!



Unlimited streaming quality up!

Takumi streaming will be reborn
in 4K resolution! and 2D videos are
now available in HD!

*The new videos will be supported sequentially.

Only HD / 4K compatible devices are allowed to use this service.
Please check if your device is compatible with the sample.

Unlimited streaming of VR and 2D!


Adult Festa is proud to offer a wide range of genres,
in addition to the best-selling works of popular AV manufacturers,
such as Takumi, 4KHQ, 4K Kiwami, and ultra-high quality works.

*High-resolution streaming is only available for Takumi; all other works will be streamed normally.

\ You can watch as much as you want from popular AV manufacturers! /

毎日更新!VR&2D 週間視聴率ランキング

Here's a ranking of the most popular movies based on weekly viewership ratings !
For the top 10 and beyond, please click [ View More ] button.


Unlimited streaming supports multiple devices.

It is multi-device supported, so you can watch
it anywhere you have internet access.
You can easily enjoy videos anytime you want.

A special application is required to use the unlimited streaming service.
For more information, please see How to Watch.

Android / iPhone

Android / iPhone

iPad / Tablet

iPad / Tablet



DPVR-4D / SKYWORTH-4D S801 / Oculus GO

Oculus GO

Unlimited streaming, you can enjoy the linkage function in VR or in 2D!

More movies that supported linkage function
are added every day! The interlocking
rhythms played by D-JOCKEY will further
accelerate your sexual excitement!

The connection method varies depending on the application you are using.
For more details, please check the page on how to watch and the linkage goods.

About linkage goods.

D-JOCKEY Members

The characteristics of the interlocking signals vary depending on the input JOCKEY.
For more information about each JOCKEY, please check the special page.

Piston Prince

Pink Gentleman

♡Na Na Nyan♡

Samedas Kimy


Tyltyl ☆ Mytyl

You can join at the end of the month!
You can enjoy it for about a month!

The next renewal date is approximately
one month from the date of enrollment!
No matter when you join, you'll have plenty of fun!

Please note that some months will be changed to the last day of the month only
if the renewal date is on a date that does not exist (31st).

Click here for information on cancellation.

The more you keep unlimited streaming, the more you can download!

You can download every month,
based on the number of months you've
continued unlimited streaming!

*If you have already registered, the current number of months you've continued will be applied.

*If you cancel midway, the number of months will be reset.

You can download up to 72 per year!
In other words, the more you continue, the more videos you'll get in good deal!


About membership

  • The subscription will be automatically renewed every month from the date of enrollment.
    However, if the same date does not exist in the following month, such as in the case of a January 31 contract, it will be the last day of the month.
  • If you wish to cancel your unlimited subscription, please do so before the next renewal date. No refunds will be made after payment is made through automatic renewal.
    If you cancel your subscription, you will still be able to use the unlimited streaming service until the next renewal date. You can check the status of your contract here ( login required ).
  • Please be aware that some of the movies that are available for unlimited streaming will be replaced without notice. Please understand beforehand.

About continuation benefits

  • The number of times you can download depends on the number of months you’ve continued, and you can use as many times as you want from the total of both Adult Festa TV and VR. Please note that the number of times will be reset on the next renewal date, so any excess units will not be carried over to the next time.
  • About downloadable files, video files that can be downloaded by players and devices are for PC.
    If you want to use a different file, please download it from here ( login required ).
  • Downloaded videos can be used semi-permanently even after the cancellation of unlimited streaming or withdrawal from Adult Festa, but the "+1D function" and "+1D dedicated player" cannot be used after the cancellation of unlimited streaming.

Adult Festa's 2D videos are in theater mode.
VR videos are super high quality, immersive, and fun!

What is Prestige Unlimited Streaming?